A young boy holding palm leaves with matthew 21:9 verse Snack ideas, printable worksheets, bible coloring pages, word search puzzles, clipart and more. Enjoy our free bible copywork and coloring page: (august 2015 friend) "and they shall run and not be weary, and shall walk and not faint" Additional resources related to easter and the resurrection, including this article, scripture pages and bible activities, can be found on sundayschoolzone.com by searching for easter or by using the navigation bar. Free Easter Sunday School Coloring Pages Fun365 from cl-drupal.orientaltrading.com These are suitable for toddlers, preschool, kindergarten. Easter is a great time to add to your classroom library. Read a few of these in class or give to your kids to take home. Use the following bible story coloring pictures to create a coloring story book about the crucifixion and res...